Imagine – John Lennon

Imagine - John Lennon (Pablo Stanley Art)

I finally colored this comic 🙂
You can buy a print in the form below.

  • This is NOT an anti-religion/atheist-propaganda comic. The comic and the song (at least as I understand it) tries to communicate that no matter your faith, we should all share the world in peace… As silly as that sounds.
  • Yes, MLK, Gandhi and Marley were spiritual people. Read point one 🙂
  • This is NOT an antisemitic comic. The Israeli soldier is breaking the cycle of war to play some football. Come on!
  • That is Anna Politkovskaya, an awesome Russian journalist, writer and activist.
  • Yes, John Lennon probably was a douche wife-beater, but still, “Imagine” transcends the unpleasant facts about its composer.

You can see the original comic in black and white + some colors here.

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A team of researchers working at the South Pole announced Monday that BICEP2 cosmic microwave background telescope had detected ripples from gravitational waves – the first evidence of cosmic inflation.

This is one of the biggest discoveries in physics and cosmology in decades, providing direct information on the state of the universe when it was only 10-34 seconds old, energy scales near the Planck energy, as well confirmation of the existence of gravitational waves. The idea that the universe exponentially grew in a fraction of a second, rather merely rapidly expanding. The researchers at the South Pole were able to detect gravitational waves (ripples that squeeze space as they travel) and what they deemed the first direct evidence of this inflation occurring billions of years ago.

Follow this reddit thread for more details!